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The cycle of 1,263 beats

Hummingbirds' hearts beat 1,263 per minute. This piece is 8x8in glass printed fully smooth and safe to handle. The design shares the experience of the male and female hummingbird coming together in both life and death in the unpredictability of the beats of life. Two hummingbirds nested in my bamboo in my yard and I was blessed enough to watch them nest and see them raise their little ones.

Hummingbirds' hearts beat 1,263 per minute. This piece is 8x8in glass printed fully smooth and safe to handle. 

The design shares the experience of the male and female hummingbird coming together in both life and death in the unpredictability of the beats of life.  Two hummingbirds nested in my bamboo in my yard and I was blessed enough to watch them nest and see them raise their little ones.